Blue Tit Free Cross Stitch Chart: In Which Your Heroine Displays Signs of Immaturity (Tee Hee! You Said TIT!)

Bit o' background:

The Bear (my lovely cuddly oh so handy partner) and I both have bird feeders at our respective establishments.

By far our favourite visitors to the seedy buffet are the tits.

Basically because they are called tits and it gives you a very good excuse to say tit which is a fantastical little word.

Oh look there's a tit. Awwww a little blue tit. Goodness! A great tit is nibbling my bell. He he he you said TIT.

tit tit tit tit tit

I don't know if any of that explains the following but it was a quick fun little stitch.

**snort** you said TIT!
Cotton floss
14  count aida white cotton
2.5 x 3 inches

Here is a little cross stitch chart to help you stitch your own tit.

If that is the kind of thing you are into.

Hey, no one is judging you here.

Share it!

right click and save as to download free blue tit cross stitch chart

Looking for more mini samplers?
Check out these free charts

You can download and stitch any of them for free if you keep it non-commercial.

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